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Old 04-17-2006, 03:43 AM   #15
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by sashajade
first of all i would of smacked her one as well cheeky cow! its not the breed of dog thats the problem its the type of person that has them imo the men that have that type of dog have it to look hard and to make up for what they havent got in the trouser department just the same as having a big car! they should have the dog on a proper lead it and should be trained. i cant blame you for being so scared but as for what you can do to stop it there isnt anything,just keep an eye around you and if any dog is near pick your dog up just incase better to be safe then sorry
You are so right, it is totaly the person, not the breed. There are WAY more stupid people then dogs out there

And I am glad Bager is OK! Good job mommy!
Kristal Proud Mommie of Princess Peach
She's FINALLY home, and doing great!
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