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Old 04-09-2006, 07:35 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 13
Unlove Gracie not getting up...

[COLOR=Cyan]Gracie just had her first litter three weeks and four days ago. She has been so nurturing and protective. It all came natural to her, but believe me I wasn't so sure at first. Anyway, she's been eating really well(I feed her Science Diet puppy food with water to make it mushy and let it sit for a day, then heat it up for 25 seconds). She gets excited when I get her bowl out and starts barking at me to hurry. But tonight I noticed that she didn't get so excited-she seemed uninterested-that was about 6 pm. I went to pick up some food for me and when I got back she was nowhere to be found...she normally greets me at the door with TAS. I checked the puppies pen and still no Gracie. I finally found her at the head of my bed on some pillows. she will barely lift her head-just turn it in my direction. I sat down and got my food out-normally she's got her head in the box before I pick up a fork! She still didn't move-just looked at me. This is the first incidence of not eating that I know of with her. I picked her up and started to rub her belly-then I noticed that she's still bloody down there-I know they bleed after whelping but is it supposed to be longer than 3 weeks? Its not much blood, no odor, not bright red-but it still bothers me. Another thing... she pooped inside earlier and I am pretty sure there were worms in her stool. I am going to the vet to have pups dewormed tomorrow-can she get worms from her pups? She looks bloated and miserable. I'll write back after I take her temp. Please!!!! Any suggestions? I'll call the Vet first thing in the morning but I need some answers or a theory for now to sleep on-if I sleep! [/COLOR]
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