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Old 04-01-2006, 05:35 PM   #7
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Location: Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canada
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My Topher was pretty much the same way the first couple of times I brought him outside. Of course there was also alot of snow on the ground and he didn't like that stuff at all!!
I adopted him at 18 weeks and he'd never been outside at the breeders so he was quite old by the time I got him out for the first time. I just kept taking him out and now that the weather is nice, he loves it. When I mention going outside he hops and runs around and sits down so I can put his harness on him.

It does take time...after all it's a big scary world out there for the little yorkies. Lots of strange smells, too! I'm glad she did better at your friend's house...sounds like she likes having doggie friends with her!
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