Noise “phobia” My little Skylar got very scared outside twice.
Once by the noise of 2 large heavy equipment trucks when we were out on a walk and the other time when someone shot off fireworks the weekend before 4th of July.
Not she is so fearful of being outside. I haven’t been able to get her even out of the yard let alone go for walks. She will let me know when she needs to go out but then quickly does her business and wants to run right back inside. I take her out on a leash and if I’m not going fast enough, she will try to run and rear up on her hind legs to get back in.
Has anyone here had a yorkie that is afraid of noises?
I would rather find a supplement that will work instead of putting her on a prescription med.
I’ve tried a couple ( Solliquin & Zylkene ) and really didn’t work. May have taken the edge off. If it’s totally quiet outside, she is better but that doesn’t happen too often.
I’ve tried pulling up YouTube videos ( specifically for dogs ) that have traffic noises but, that doesn’t affect her.
She is most comfortable in 4 walls.Sorry this is so long. |