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Old 01-02-2023, 10:37 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by PILOTthePuppy View Post
Thank you ladyjane for your thoughts on this. It's an extremely tough call indeed. His back teeth are very bad, so it's very likely to accelerate some sort of organ failure at some point. This this was a last ditch effort to improve what I can in his quality of life, assuming he recovers and survives.

We started going down the antibiotic route but what leaned me towards doing it were many success stories I've read around the internet, including a CT group I follow. I also just completed a dental on his brother who is almost 13 back in November, but he doesn't have as many health issues as Pilot.

I thought may be the shot of dexamethasone caused his pancreatitis not prednisone, he taking a low dosage of this now with Temaril-P. It's very possible the anesthesia cause as you stated.

I'll make an update regardless of the outcome, thank you again.
It could turn out very well. It's too bad we cannot rely on something like a crystal ball.
I will watch for an update. Best wishes to you and him.
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