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Old 06-29-2020, 07:29 AM   #4
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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"...same joy in my heart like when I see a yorkie face".

I so know what you mean about a Yorkie face. No dog face rends at my heart, pierces my soul and my joy the way that tiny, bright-eyed, alert, precious, special little furry Yorkie face does. Just something about a Yorkie face that totally owns me unlike no other breed I've ever seen, known or loved. Can't explain it but it's a connection beyond words, set in place I know not when but the first one I saw up close, I had to have. It's just a Yorkie thing.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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