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Old 08-07-2019, 11:44 AM   #3
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
If she did tear something she really should have gone to the vet asap because if it was her CCL and it was not surgically repaired it’s going to cause her massive arthritis. Luxating Patella causes strain on the CCL so when you fix it on an older dog then you are very likely to have their CCL tear and cause another surgery. It is also a surgery that you do not want a regular vet to perform you would want an orthopedic surgeon to do it. I’m not found of the practice of vet chiropractors. For arthritis my girl takes meloxicam and CBD oil and is doing great!
I actually did take her to the vet right away, and he examined her and said that she may have torn something or just totally irritated the area around the patella. He wanted to me to rest her for 6 weeks, which I did and she seemed to be much better until I had to take her to the emergency hospital for HGE/pancreatitis a couple of weeks ago. They did an abdominal ultrasound, and I am pretty sure they aggravated her knee again. I took her to my own vet again after this to make sure that she was o.k. to start the physical therapy.

I did read that the luxating patella surgery in older dogs can cause a CCL tear, which is why I am very leery of it. IF I absolutely had to do it, of course I would find a board certified ortho surgeon. The emergency hospital near me has wonderful doctors, surgeons, PT people, etc., so that is where I would go.

I have heard of the meloxicam as well. And she actually was on the CBD oil for about a month, and it seemed to be helping her and sort of evening out her constant state of hyperness. But I stopped it when she had this latest episode of HGE/pancreatitis because I was afraid that it might have contributed to it. I am wondering how much CBD oil do you give your dog and how many times a day? And have you had any stomach issues with it?

Anyway, thanks for your response!
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