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Old 11-03-2018, 11:11 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Citrus Heights, California USA
Posts: 4
Default I am new to this site.

Hello my name is Gail and my little Yorkie's name is Sullivan, "Sulley" . I would love to talk to anyone about this little guy who is now about 7 months. I have had dogs all my life, but never one this little. He has been a joy, and we are thinking about getting him a playmate by getting another Yorkie.

But what I really want to ask is: What do any of you know about Luxating Pattela? About two months ago, Sulley was limping on his left back leg. Took him to the Vet, she did no xray but did say this is what he had. She wanted me to have a consult with a Vet Ortho Surgeon. But when I talked to my Breeder, she said no way. She said just keep him from being too busy on it, and keep an eye out first. He only did it a little and he would run like the wind and play never seeming to be in any pain at all. Eats and plays just fine. Sure enough, he has never done it on that leg again. But now he has started favoring the right hind leg. And now I worry he has this on that leg. Yet, again. He never acts in pain at all. He runs and jumps with ease. Can anyone tell me or explain. Thank you.
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