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Old 06-26-2018, 08:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by KatysMom View Post
Hi AbbysMom08,

She's such a little sweetie, I hope this is nothing.

Have you thought of setting up a "nanny cam" in that area in order to discover if she's in distress when she is acting out?

When she had the x-rays a couple of weeks ago, did the vet do a full series of x-rays, or was it just one?

On the 15th, she was going to take Reglan daily for a couple of weeks. WebMD has an article on Reglan in humans, saying it works by "blocking [dopamine]." PetMD has an article that outlines side effects that include, "hyperactivity," "changes in behavior" and "abdominal pain."

Is she scheduled to visit the vet again when the Reglan runs out?

I'm so sorry the two of you are dealing with this. Hug her for me. --KatysMom

P.S. I see that ladyjane had asked some follow on question on the earlier thread. You might look at her post.
Abby is taking the Reglan.
She has, I think, 4 doses left. Vet wants me to check in before renewing.
She did have 2 x-rays. Everything looked normal. Will probably scope her if she starts to regurgitate again.

I had to leave again this evening for an hour and a half meeting.
She didn't ball up her pee pad or blankets.
Just for this one time, I took up her bowl.
Tomorrow, I have something going on again so I may put less food in her bowl as well as water and see how she does.
It's just so bizarre! There is no other behavior changes.
She has been keeping me on my toes, that's for sure.
Jan, Mommy to Abby

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