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Old 06-26-2018, 05:20 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Saranshay View Post
My 9 year old male, started lossing his hair on the back of his neck. Slowly it is spreading down the top of his back, down his sides.
I’ve taken him to the vet, they’ve done skin scrapes, which comes back negative. Thyroid tests that come back normal. The last attempt was a round of antibiotics, Incase he had a deep down fungus....
He’s always had a little dandruff and when this started, he had big flakes and it’s out of control. I’ve used prescribed shampoos, melasab shampoo and his flakes are “better”. But the problem is still there.
Anyone have/had similar issues? Insight?
Hi Saranshay,

I feel so for you and your little one. PetMD has a slide show (with great images) "5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs.." The five conditions are:

1. Allergies
2. Infection or Infestation
3. Cushing's Disease
4. Genetics
5. Pressure Sores

Might you elaborate on the tests your vet has run?

Would you be comfortable sharing a picture of the hair loss?

Cushing's Disease has been, over time, a fairly active topic on YorkieTalk and there are many articles on the internet about it. In particular, see Wylie's Mom's post, "Symptoms of Cushings" and "Cushing’s (Hyperadrenocorticism)"

Sending you and yours prayers and virtual hugs. --Katy's Mom.
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