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Old 04-21-2018, 07:20 AM   #11
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by SweetChloe View Post
It certainly wasn't my intention to offend and if I have done that I truly apologize. My comment was one borne from experience. In treating a joint condition in a past furbaby (not a yorkie) my pup had diarreha and would vomit. This happened in spite of slowly switching. When I brought those concerns to my vet (former) I was told to simply continue. After another week I was done and took her off that food. I have had a couple of friends who didn't have good results but a couple who did. I had looked up the ingredients for the food that would be recommended and the first ingredient is corn. That is a concern for me but of course if an alteration to her diet by introducing additional water isn't helping I will try anything.

My initial choice to switch to raw for my pups was from my last little one who had allergies and was losing her hair and developing skin allergies. I tried numerous foods including prescription and no improvement. Raw was not something I had heard of but an acquaintance who is a vet tech recommended it and Chloe's allergies and skin/hair issues resolved within a couple of months.

I never get my information or form an opinion from any "fad" or believe in pseudo science. My experiences are the basis for my thoughts and opinions. I am really glad to hear that you had such great results and even though I haven't had success with prescription food in the past I would still try again as the ultimate goal is improved health. The fact that they have been selling that kind of food for years shows there obviously must be a benefit. Again clearly my quick choice of words had an unintended result, I should have said simply that I didn't have success with them in the past which would have been more accurate. Glad you brought this to my attention as the last thing I would want to do is dissuade someone from trying a food that could be the best choice for their pup.
Food allergies are rare so I just don’t really buy the whole raw food fixed everything that people say with the it clear it up I figure there is actually something else going on. At this time there is very little research to back raw except that it can be dangerous and unsafe. I have also been on the medical side and seen how damaging raw food can be and all the cons of it and how they out weigh any pros in my opinion. I have also meet many vet and staff that are very against it. With all the pre made raw food being recalled lately as well as the general risks that would scare me more then corn. Just because we see corn as bad doesn’t mean it’s bad for dogs. Our nutrition is much different then dogs. I’m a big fan of Royal Canin prescription foods and I noticed many urinary diets without corn as the first ingredient. IBD is caused by food allergies and my dog is on the food that has a man made protein in it which is really hard to be allergic too for a dog to be allergic to.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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