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Old 01-14-2018, 05:55 AM   #15
Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Austria
Posts: 22

I have now written a very long answer and suddenly i got a message "this must be checked by the administrator". Now I'm not sure if this is still displayed. So i will try again

At first: Thank you very much CANANA for your advice. I have read you answer two times and i will try to realize your tip.

Above all, I find your comparisons to your dogs very helpful Sometimes it just feels good to read about the same experiences. Your example with Casie made me smile. It sounds a bit like my snuggles.

My plan for Snuggles is that I try to go out with her every two hours right now. Or: whenever she has eaten, played or after she sleeped

I'll try that with the crate. Because at the moment - as I already wrote above - she does not care where she pees. Just yesterday she peed on all her toys right next to her new bed. She is just so stubborn .

I put out the puppy pads on the floor, exactly on the places where she peed often. Furthermore, I got such a spray, which removes the urine smell. Although this spray smells like sweaty feet and Snuggles has peed again on the same spot, but I hope it helps in the box. :/

When I go out with her, I give her quite a lot of praise Unfortunately she does not accept any treats. She accepts treats only at home, as soon as we go out she is too excited.
What leads me to the next problem: the war with the leash.
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