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Old 01-11-2018, 12:54 PM   #14
Action Jackson ♥
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People are so dumb.

My step-dad used to have this friend (who thankfully we don't see much of anymore) who Jackson NEVER warmed up to (he's timid with new people but once he gets to know you, he will usually love you forever). He obviously had good judgement with this guy.

Anyway, one time the guy grabbed him by his harness so he couldn't run away from him (he truly thought that was the best way to get Jackson to like him ) and Jax got so scared he expressed his anal glands. I was furious! I was like that is NOT how you get a dog to like you - now he's DEFINITELY never going to warm up to you.
~ Brit & Lights! Camera! Jackson! CGC ETD TKP ~
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