I took a rescue in with mammary cancer. The vet xrayed the lungs and it hadn't spread so he removed the tumor and the entire mammary chain. She wasn't spayed so that was done too and I was hopeful it wouldn't return. It returned within a year so I paid for a second surgery. This time it returned very quickly and grew extremely quickly. I chose to not operate for a third time since she was 10 to 12, but she did great with both surgeries. She llived for another two years, but started breathing rapidly. She was still eating but the constant tachypnea seemed very stressful and I had her put down. I'm not trying to dissuade you from having the surgery, the opposite, do it quickly before it has time to grow and spread. I really feel the delay in treatment is what caused the poor outcome for this dog. By the time I got the dog the lumps were large and ulcerated and draining a bloody stinky mess. |