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Old 05-19-2017, 05:25 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by BayleighL View Post
Our yorkie was 12 weeks when we got her - and as another comment said 9 weeks is pretty young. We gave her a bear that became her "sibling" and she bonded immediately. We also kept her with us continuously during the day. We opted for crate training right from the start for night time and put the crate up on a hamper at the mattress level within reach. Yes she fussed. We would get her out, take her to the pee pad and then right back to bed. Before long she was sleeping through the night - mostly. Slowly we moved the crate further away but she is still in our room. We did find she slept better in pjs, maybe warmer? But it did help on two fronts - she was warmer and she had a bedtime routine. Over time we did put a pen out in the kitchen area with a soft throw rug, a dog bed, and her food and water. When we are away she stays in there. We trained her with treats to go in and when we returned she had to be quiet to get taken out. We carefully trained her not to bark at any time - mostly (she is a dog). We tried leaving a pee pad in the pen but she did not like that and would rather wait to go until she comes out.
We got our Bella at 8 weeks (we didn't know better), but we did crate training almost exactly as described above, and it worked for her. We keep Bella on our night stand in her carrier with a baby blanket where she can watch us at night. It's her nightly routine, and she dutifully goes to her carrier at bedtime. If she whines in the night, we take her to her potty pad, but now she's an adult and she can make it through the night without a potty break. It took a few months to reach that point. For the first few days we had her, she would cry for about 10 minutes before falling asleep, but she adapted quickly to her routine.
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