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Old 04-23-2005, 12:12 AM   #8
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I have and Im still having that same problem with Lady.She is 17 months old and has always been VERY vocal on her walks,but if we walk our babies together,its a very traumatic ordeal for ME! lol.She barks and barks and barks the WHOLE time,not at people..she just barks for the sake of it.If we walk ahead of her or Jess steps ahead of her,she goes nuts!! She just barks the whole time Right now I have to walk them seperately which is a sad thing because I would love to take them out together,but the noise is so unbearable that I end up with a headache and they end up with a very short walk.My neighbours also complain because they say that they can hear us coming from a mile away and can always tell when we leave..
If anyone knows how to stop this,please share
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