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Old 03-13-2006, 06:34 AM   #13
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Ha ha ha...I had some wierd ones. It seems like the further along I got, the wierder they got.

It started off with Taco Bell Enchiritos, then moved to Vinegar and Salt Chips and Cherry Icees.Then phase 2 was the time of Cocoa, every meal, a box a day!

Towards the end, things got a little odd. I craved ice (due to lower iron, I was told). Not soft, half melted ice--ANY ice. To the point that I would munch on it until my toungue would go numb and actually bleed! I also LOVED the way odd things magic markers and the tire section at Wal-Mart and mostly new carpet? My husband had gotten new car mats that had a strong, new carpet smell and I would just go sit in his truck smelling them and eating ice!

Could have been worse...I had a friend that craved dirt (yes, dirt) when she was pregnant!
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