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Old 09-15-2016, 03:43 PM   #14
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Fargo
Posts: 230

Originally Posted by Romie View Post


Question for all the owners who let them sleep near them without a crate ... what do you all do when you guys have to leave them alone for 4 hours ?

btw - we dont let him touch the ground outside until he has all his shots ... well all paranoid about his health and well being hahahah
We hired puppy sitters because he cried and was hysterical when I would come home! Carried on like he was hurt but wasn't. Still acted the same with the sitters there when I returned but I knew he was in good hands. I think it has to do with the fact they are replacing their doggy mom with us and if you have ever been around a mom and her litter they bark and whine when she leaves the nest. But they have their littermates to play with so not traumatic. They aren't sure if we are coming back. I tried leaving him for small amounts. Like going to the mailbox. He whined at first now watches me thru the window. Forget about going to the bathroom alone at first. Now after 7 weeks he waits for me at the gate. I would say it does get better with time. But He has the run of the house. Has pads in case. But I still don't leave for more than a hour but that will get better when he matures. I hope!
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