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Old 05-20-2016, 09:08 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by gemy View Post
What were the pre and post readings? Do you have a hospital say a teaching one nearby that you can go to? I would try to find the closest expert and go there to do ultrasound or other tests. The ultrasound is only as good as the persons; expertise in both doing and reading it.

Those readings dependent upon what they are might just point to MVD which is managed with diet and liver supplements. I am so very sorry you have more concerns with your pup

I know the post was 55, and I'm reading that it's a good number as far as bad numbers go.. it leans more towards the MVD? Is that what it's called? I don't know the pre numbers and I'm only guessing that's post because she said casually that it was 55.
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