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Old 03-05-2016, 01:16 PM   #2
Rosehill Yorkies
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My brother had a beagle with horrific allergies/skin brother movede off with his job, and we were left with Sparky, trying to get this unfortunate, illbred soul relief from this horrific skin brother even PAID a DERMATOLOGIST to fly down to Houston from Dallas (there were none here in Houston when we were going thru this with Sparky), to treat this dog...the vet came once a week for 7 weeks, then every 2 weeks for another period of time, then once a month for the rest of that dogs life. You can only imagine the fortune it cost my brother to try to get this dog treated successfully and healed......

I hope you have access to a vet dermatologist specialist....if not, then a vet school. I have been where you are, I am praying for you and this unfortunate baby.....but it CAN be treated and the misery can be just need the proper guidance from a specialist.....

I just now see you are in Houston....perhaps A&M will be able to resolve this issue....ladyjane has a group of specialists on the other side of town....hopefully she will come on here and get involved with some names of specialists that can help you!

Last edited by Yorkiemom1; 03-05-2016 at 01:18 PM.
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