Thread: Helpp!!
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Old 02-16-2016, 04:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Daisy Dukes View Post
I called the vet and gave me little information on the phone. The system at my vet had Daisy in the system at 11 weeks old so when I told the vet I had her on formula still she was shocked. Told me she should be way passed formula. I had to stop her mid sentence and tell her there is no way Daisy is 11 weeks, thats impossible.

They told me to keep an eye on it and if it continues then I need to bring her in asap. Well Daisy had another bowel movement and it was completely fine! No mucus no nothing. Which is strange, I would think it would happen again.

I changed her vet appt. to Wednesday now because I'm a crazy mommy. I will definitely be updating everyone on her progress hopefully she gained a little more weight!
Glad you got an earlier appt. If it does happen again scoop up a sample and take to vets. Peace of mind is everything!
The Above advice/comments/reviews are my personal opinions based on my own experience/education/investigation and research and you can take them any way you want to......Or NOT!!!
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