Seeking advice from anyone that's had a carpet/rug chewer. I threw out my old area rug in the living room yesterday and replaced it with a new one. The old one was short nap kinda oriental style, when Presley was a young pup I caught him a couple of times chewing on a corner, this habit was very short lived and he left it alone. The rug I replaced it with is long, thick shag and you would think it was Presley's new toy! He is pulling at the edges and chewing, it's obvious he thinks it's his, I make him stop and he only sneaks around the couch and goes to another edge minutes later. Can you spray bitter apple or something of the sort safely on rugs? Or is there something else I can do? I do not want my rug messed up, but most importantly I do not want carpet fibers in his intestines. I am home with him most of the time, but I am not even going to church this morning because I don't trust that little stinker from chewing on "his new toy"
