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Old 01-04-2016, 07:46 PM   #14
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: front royal va
Posts: 4

Hi there, I would recommend giving the pup Nutrical a few times per day and you may want to add Dyne to any food you can get him to eat. You can also syringe the Dyne into his mouth. I have heard that some have had success with wet kitty food. Green tripe is something that I have been told dogs/puppies eat readily. You can sometimes find canned green tripe at Petco or Petsmart. Freshpet is another food that pups seems to love. It is available in the cold section at Petco/Petsmart and also available in the dog section at most Walmart stores in a fridge.
Wishing you much luck with your puppy!
Autumn & Ella's Momma
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