Thread: Jeff Danes
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Old 03-06-2006, 11:45 AM   #2
And Morgan Too!
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Thumbs down Sheriffs Department and Puppymills

Originally Posted by Emmsmom
For any compaints that you might have you need to write to this addy

Attention Case Management Dept.
P.O. Box 37924
Raleigh, North Carolina 27627

I just called AKC and this is what she told me. She did say that they had a Jeff Danes listed but they didn't have any complaints. So this would be a good place to start. After that you could always contact the local sheriffs dept.Tell them that you think he is running a puppymill and give them all the info that you may have and so on. Hope this helps out some. Good luck
This is good information but I did ask my husband about calling the sheriffs department (he is a deputy) and he said, that at least in our county, there is nothing that the local authorities could do. It is a civil matter and would have to be worked out in court. I know this is probably not the best response but just thought I would hare my insight with ya'll.
Courtney Bailey Morgan
Member of the SSLS (Secret Sisterhood Ladybug Society)
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