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Old 10-30-2015, 06:08 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by softlyspeaks View Post
Thank you Joan! Have you also read the book I bought a few days ago, "Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Month by Month?" I am not asking you to just a question. It actually gave me some information that I haven't found elsewhere and am still digging. How does anyone know what I have or haven't read, she never asked me. Just for you I glanced again at, "Yorkshire Terrier for Dummies." After owning yorkies for 35 years, I am glad you found information in the book useful and able to keep your attention. I can see not having internet for research, it would be interesting regarding the history and any problem correcting. If I had a sick dog, no access to training, history or basic care and was a novice, I may find it useful but to answer the question in my op, I find it a waste of my time and $ and yes it is an insult. No experience to add apparently is too difficult to say.
I have read every book YT suggests/ advises. I will never have a puppy again, I will do rescues only.I read it to hopefully help friends, family that may get a puppy. And you are correct in saying no one knows what you have or have not read, but it's thrown out there not just for you but for who ever is following this thread. What you need to understand is, there will be other new members reading this thread somewhere down the road, and when they do they will see the books that have been recommended, everyone benefits from all threads. Do not take it personally. When I first got involved with computers they had a book called "Computers for Dummies" I thought wow how great and I got it, the salesmen said to me I didn't need that book lol, I told him ya never know what small thing can be learned, small but could be very important tool. When I saw here on YT "Yorkies For Dummies" I said wow, how kool, and got the book. Yorkiemom1 is a great breeder and very knowledgeable in the yorkie breed, she also has a hidden sense of humor that I find just delightful. You have many threads going, you have gotten much information from many members, you are getting to know many members here on YT and will get to know their personalities, sense of humor and seriousness in their postings. I do hope all the questions you ask you get the answer
Joan, mom to Cody RIP Matese Schnae Kajon Kia forever in my A House Is Not A Home Without A Dog
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