This is going to be quite long, but I hope to get some helpful advice to calm my nerves a little. Yesterday morning Teddy threw up pure yellow bile, I figured it was because he didn't get his breakfast at his normal time and ate a couple hours later in the day so his tummy was empty. All was fine until last night when he woke up out of his sleep and started throwing up again. This time he threw up 3 times back to back, it was a yellow foamy consistency with tiny specs of blood. Obviously the first thing I did when I saw the red specs was freak out and cry. I gave him 1cc of pepto, the vomiting stopped and he slept through the night perfectly fine. He's been very playful, eating and drinking water like normal, no blood in poop and no diarrhea. This morning he was doing well, and then started throwing up 3 times back to back with the tiny specs of blood again. He now seems a little scared to put anything in or near his mouth so I've been giving him water from a syringe. I had no idea where this could be coming from or what the cause of it was....
Until this morning when my brother called and I was telling him what was going on when he mentioned to me that Friday night my husband's mother was feeding Teddy broccoli stalks
he has a sensitive stomach, I don't give him anything but slices of apples from time to time. I've read that broccoli isn't necessarily bad for dogs, but I'm assuming this has to be his stomach being upset reacting to the broccoli since he's not used to eating this.