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Old 09-28-2015, 11:55 AM   #3
YT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by Piddle Place View Post
We just found a new product that is all natural and works amazing. A friend told me about using it to keep bugs out of telephone poles, thus keeping woodpeckers from destroying the poles. Its all essential oils. I thought, no way, but I met with the manufacture, and he gave us some to try on our shelter dogs. I took it to our shelter, and put 2 drops on a dogs collar, the fleas all jumped off. They didn't die, but the left in a hurry. We are thinking about brining this is as part of our company to help more shelters.

If you email your address, I am happy to send you a sample. Looking at nothing but essential oils, I would love to ask everyone here why this works so good. There are crystals to put in your yard, sachets for dog beds, and drops for a dog collar. All non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Woah may I ask what it is? I can talk to my parents about buying it my Teddy struggles with fleas that ran away from the medicine onto his lower back and I just gave him a flea bath hoping it worked
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