Thread: Storms
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Old 09-05-2015, 09:00 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Scoobstersmom View Post
Watching this one with interest and hoping to get some ideas. We realized in July that the rescue we adopted in November is terrified of thunder and lightning. Since our summer monsoon rains hit in July he has been a mess. His whole body trembles, he shakes and pants and paces and can't sit still. It lasts from the first lighting bolt or rumble of thunder until an hour or two after the last one. Sometimes he gets himself so worked up that he will vomit, and he usually also won't eat the next morning after a storm. Rain doesn't bother him at all - its only the thunder and lightning.

Things we've tried: Everything but a behaviorist, and that is likely going to be our next step. We've tried the calming stuff like rescue remedy, thunder shirt, keeping him crated in an interior room and playing music or TV loudly, and have now resorted to tranquilizers from our vet. The tranquilizers do work if we can get them in him in time, but they take about an hour to kick in, so by the time we realize a storm is coming, it's too late. And honestly I don't like tranquilizing him anyway. The rain season is nearly over now, but we have to figure something out before the next rain season. Any ideas?

Oh my goodness poor baby! I hope someone who has experience will read this! I've only heard of drops and the thunder shirt
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