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Old 06-24-2015, 10:35 AM   #6
YorkieTalk Newbie!
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Location: Allen, TX, USA
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-Thank you SirTeddykins great article. I will discuss that with his vet and trainer

-Dayswalters that would be nice getting a second yorkie. I am just afraid, when i start going to office he will have no one too look after him. He always want someone to be around.
-Wylie's Mom he likes the crate when someone is around he does not bark. But i have to go some where (for little time), i put him in crate he will start barking. I cannot leave him in crate for long period of time. Our goal is to him to be independent.

-Magnus- we are thinking about getting fence around the living room, that way he access to water, food & puppy pads. We do have web camera in the living room, where we can watch him.

Has anyone tried any separation anxiety medicine? if yes, which are good for Yorkies, i can discuss that with his doctor.

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