Thread: Bully Sticks?
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Old 04-26-2015, 08:28 AM   #10
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When I heard bully stick I went on line to see what that was, I freaked out when I read what it was made from, gezzzz, I started my girls off on cow hooves , then the pig ears came out then snouts If I could bear to look at a snout staring up at me from the floor, I can stand my boy chewing a bully stick, I get him the braided ones, at least it doesn't look like what it comes from, like the pig ears and snout lol. He is 4 y/o, prev. owner never gave him anything to chew on, I just cannot deny him this.
Joan, mom to Cody RIP Matese Schnae Kajon Kia forever in my A House Is Not A Home Without A Dog
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