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Old 03-08-2015, 10:46 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Colorado
Posts: 43
Default my chicken and rice formula

I take a chicken breast, cooking it on a wire rack in a bake pan at 450 degrees until it's center is 200 degrees. Its on a rack so whatever geese is in it falls out to the back pan. Let it cool in the bake pan so extra moisture drops into the pan also. I then blend it before adding rice. Good for treats or sick puppies. I add mashed boiled carrots to make it semi sweet and more appealing. They only get this once a day but if your puppy gets sick, do the chicken and rice for the day to settle there stomach to make them better. These dogs have weak stomachs so treats are not to be over used. If they get diarrhea, you've given many treats.

In the future i plan to switch out carrots for peanut butter. Yorkie's don' like the same food ask the time so i plan to change it up to keep them happy.

Btw, buying two was best choice i ever made. They are best friends and keep each other busy and wore out. I just watch them play and give kisses when they need attention. I also teach them tricks to keep them busy and happy. I do have to seperate them here and there and show them who's boss but in a non-violent, and without yelling way. I just lift the alpha off and say no in a low tone. I never yell at my babies, NEVER.
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