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Old 02-27-2015, 03:10 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
Can you quote who you are referring to? When misinformation is out there it has to be corrected otherwise there are people who reads these threads that could do something to harm there dog by not having the right info. I don't think anyone was called names and if they were that's against the rules so I think you should report it.
Yes, Taylor I agree with you. It's confusing what someone doesn't address the person directly with their comments. As for Dr. Dodd there are plenty of sources out their with scientific studies to back up those that believe her to be a non credible source of information. We can all have an opinion and make choices in how to feed and vet our pets. The lack of scientific data then becomes an issues when opinions are shared as factual and science based which is the case with Dr. Dodd whether you like it or not. Main stream veterinary medicine frowns upon her claims because they are not supported by science. Medicine whether it's human or animal is a science not an opinion.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
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