Originally Posted by MauiGirl Misty, I'm sending hugs and kisses right back to you (and to Teddy too).
I am sorry for the troubles you have had and hope things are on a better course now. And whenever things are not going so good you just let us know and we are here to support you with loving kindness. You are a treasured member of this group.
I have to say that 2014 was one of the toughest years ever for me, and I am counting on 2015 being better. I am so grateful to the Yorkie Talk friends who helped me through Meika's diabetes, then her death from toad poisoning, my mom's cancer then her death.... I was to numb to tell you about my daughter's illness, then my own surprise diagnosis of pre-diabetes/insulin resistance, and then ending the year by ending a 3 yr relationship with a really sweet boyfriend.
Hey, the good news is I am still standing, and 2015 is going just great, and I hope it is going good for all of you I wish you all peace, love, health and happiness. |
Aw, Sandy, it was one of the roughest times you went through - your threads about those times were so painful to read - 2014 was an awful year for you. I didn't know about all that happened to you. All the loss you suffered with mom and Meika, the bad health of you and your daughter, breaking it off with your boy friend. Bad times are supposed to reveal our character but boy, at times you wonder how much more you need revealed and how much stronger you can get B4 breaking in two. I hope your 2015 brings only the best for a change. ((((((( Hugs to you.)))))))