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Old 02-04-2015, 01:33 PM   #8
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Independence,Iowa USA
Posts: 4

Thank you everyone for your replies. I think she is doing so good and feeling much more relaxed. She is eating very well now. I don't want to jinx it so will keep her on the Natural Balance, sweet potato and fish canned until she sees her vet on Friday. I will have blood work done etc. The hair loss is still so not normal. Her skin is very dry. But she is such a good girl. She is in good hands I promise you. I'll do as the vet advises.
I read a little about Cushings Disease and will ask the vet about it. I don't know that I really see obvious signs of that though. I don't see abnormal thirst or appetite. But I understand the symptoms can be subtle. I'm very anxious to get her to the vet but wanted her to settle in a little before I did that. But the hair and skin issue is pressing. I'll be sure to update after that appointment. thank you all!
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