Originally Posted by kiddiekakes Why would he be doing this..We have had him since he was 9 weeks old and trained him to go outside etc...He seems to just lift his leg randomly whenever even if we just let him outside 5 minutes before...
Why is he doing this? My other Yorkie/Chi has had some vision issues lately with cateracts..and such..Could he feel the stress and be doing it because his companion is ill?
I want to stop it as we are finding pee spots all over the walls and furniture and I am starting to get seriously Pissed off!! no pun intended...LOL
He is let out about 15-20 times a day...thoughts...
Thanks |
Is he neutered? Sounds like marking and not peeing. Although to us it may look like the dog is peeing, marking is different to them. Also, you could get a vet check to make sure there is no infection. If it is marking, you will need to train him just as you did when potty training so he knows it is not okay to do this in the house and only do it outside. Some with more knowledge on this will hopefully chime in!