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Old 01-24-2015, 09:53 AM   #6
Resident Yorkie Nut Donating YT 20K Club Member
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I had a pup on prednisone for many years. He just passed this year and was estimated to be around 15 - 17; and the prednisone had nothing to do with his passing.

I had done the allergy testing, but the shots only made him worse. Tried all sorts of things and ended up putting him on Temeril P which has prednisone in it. His allergies were envrironmental (most are) and I found that certain times of the year he did not react as badly so the med was adjusted during those times. It is ideal to try to medicate every other day .. that way the adrenals still function. I often did that with him...and would just go back up during flair ups. You might want to ask your vet about that.
Bottom line though....if a low dose of prednisone is the best you can do/afford I personally don't see it as an issue.
Did your vet mention Apoquel? Not sure of the cost, but might help??
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