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Old 02-28-2006, 11:04 AM   #1
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Default Toys you've revisited on ebay

Have you ever browsed auctions looking at toys you once had? I have exactly two items from my childhood, cause garage sales came into vogue when we moved from our childhood home....and all my mother saw was $$$ signs Not really, though she sold items then that later she'd wished she kept. I'm thinking...yeah, ya could've paid for college for all of us just off that vintage Barbie/GI Joe (the full size one, btw, I called him Mike) stuff you sold for a dang quarter

One doll I had was a Jane West. She was Barbie sized, but most of her clothing was molded onto her body (in blue). She came with rubber vest and skirt though. She also had a horse and a pony (thunder and lightening). Was really tempted to bid on her....then thought what the heck am I gonna do with her? Especially since I have no Kens or GI Joes left to hook her up with....LOL.

Also had the original Mrs Beasley doll from "family affair"....course if I had mine...her re-sell value would be zip...cause her glasses were lost about two weeks after I got her

Had a talking Herman value zip....cause mine was mute by the time he hit the trash

Friend and I discussed how much we loved playing "mystery date"....remember the door for yooouuur myyyssstery date... I always got the bum Any way I was gonna get her one as a joke....find a mint one with all the playing pieces....sucker sold for 40 some bucks...decided it was not that funny. Told her I thought about buying one....cause it's the thought that counts
Deb, Reese, Reggie, Frazier, Libby, Sidney, & Bodie
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