Originally Posted by ziggy925 Agreed, but he does get along with bigger dogs at the park and I don't want to overprotect him. If I see any signs of aggression from him or other dogs I scoop him up, but that's pretty rare. IMHO socializing is important for a dog, and I've never seen a "small dogs only" park. Virtually every dog we run into is bigger than Ruger, and I can't see picking him up every minute or carrying him all the time.
I drive a car, and if someone else makes "one wrong move" I could be dead, but I still choose to drive.
Thanks again. |
I'm just talking about in the situation you described I'm not saying all big dog contact is bad just that kind. Mine seems to prefer larger dogs too and even at 17 pounds there are certain situations I remove her from and there are a few type of dogs that make me tense and I just don't let her play with them but I know dog body language pretty well so I just pay attention to her. Here we have no mixed dog parks all of them have small dog side and big dog side guess we are lucky. I get you want your dog to still be a dog and I'm not saying not to but when another dog is playing aggressively it can go bad quick. My dog still goes outside and rolls in the freshly cut grass or digs in the mud. She goes to pet expos and socializes with dogs and humans.