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Old 12-22-2014, 05:50 AM   #8
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Default I came up with an idea

Hello Guys!
Thank you so much for the responses. I came up with the idea to line a flat tray with maxie pads (the small light days) I purchased them from Sams Club on yesterday. I lined the tray with them and when Bentlee went to pee, he used two of them and I just pulled the two wet pads up and replaced them with two fresh pads. I wish I could show you the pictures but I am still not familiar with this site and I just don't have the patience to read and figure it out right now. Anyway, he used them all day yesterday and it seems to be working like a charm. The pads are so much better for me because they actually stop the pee from spreading under his feet. I purchased 240ct pads for $6 at Sams Club. This is just something that I am trying... I'll see how it works long term. I also purchased pee pads from Sams Club they were a pack of 120 pads for $12 or $13. I will keep you guys posted. I wish I could post pictures... Anyway, I'll try to figure it out over the holiday. I want to show you guys Bentlee's leather coat and bow-tie I made and his Mohawk cut he got yesterday from Pet-smart groomers. Thanks again guys!
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