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Old 12-02-2014, 06:43 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by SirTeddykins View Post
Teddy and my cat (Guiness) are constantly "playing" and then fighting. I have to keep them apart if I'm not supervising them because the fighting escalates so quickly. Guiness is 14lbs compared to Teddy @ 4 lbs. I have not yet been able to figure out why the play turns to fight so all I know to do is supervise them when they're together and ensure they can't get to each other when they're not supervised. It's frustrating and tense, I know! Time has helped a lot but I still wouldn't trust them in the same room without me being right there with them. I thought it was all Guiness but I have seen Teddy instigate things with nipping and I think there is an issue with dominance as well as jealousy. I can't help with any solutions apart from supervision but you do have my sympathy and understanding!
I try really hard to show both attention but i think its jeleousy some to. Fixing to order either two seperate cages. When they fight im gonna put them both in them. But then i feel bad princess was the only baby. They actually get along fine ubless they are on the bed with me. Now that i think of it. Otherwise they run and play chase. Ugh it just scares me princess is around 10-15 where boo is maybe 7-9 but very little boned. He holds his own but to what length. There is a difference in the tone of there voices.
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