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Old 02-26-2006, 05:01 PM   #8
YT 2000 Club Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: USA
Posts: 2,992

I think it is the general consensus here that most of us leave the breeding to the breeders and get our own pets neutered and spayed.

You should have a good reason to breed any pets. You should especially be assured in advance that you (or the other person involved) will be able to place them in good homes.

If anyone wanted to use my little boy for a "stud" -- the answer is "NO." He is a pet. I have had a few cats have kittens --but they were spayed immediately after that. And I have never let any of my dogs (boys or girls) parent a litter. There are so many puppies and wonderful older dogs in this world looking for homes. I don't want to add any additional puppies to that list. And, even allowing my little guy to be a stud would be doing just that.

Also - I think that for a lot of us - our little Yorkies were sold to be "pets." They are wonderful, great, and we love them with all our hearts, but they don't meet the Yorkie standards that should be an important part of any decision to breed.

Please give your decision to breed a lot of thought - there are certainly a lot of things you need to consider - and a lot of research that you need to do about breeding, breed standards, etc.

Good luck!

Carol Jean
A Yorkie is worth a thousand words.
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