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Old 10-03-2014, 03:54 PM   #9
Donating YT 3000 Club Member
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: E.Stroudsburg, Pa.
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Cody is a city boy, always walked on a leash, never had a yard to investigate or run free. Now he is a country boy, has a yard to run in and hunting to be done, but he is a bug freak and has to be watched very closely. When Spring finally came to The Poconos this year out to the yard we went, since Cody all of a sudden wanted privacy when he had to poop I would stay appox 10 feet away from him. One day I see him smelling and smelling the ground, as I started to approach him to see what he was sniffing, he saw me and grabbed it, I screamed noooooo, to late it was in his mouth, I pried his mouth open, it was a huge yellow jacket bee, thank god he did not get stung. From that day forward he gets no privacy, I am right behind him. Another time I was sitting on the patio chair with my legs on an ottoman, I saw a spider crawling on the ottoman, I went to kill it, to late, Cody saw it and ate it, yuck. Cody is 3 y/o not a puppy, life in the country is new to him, he sees it, he eats it, I have to be on top of him all the time, and yell noooo when I see his nose to the ground, he is learning slowly not to eat the bugs. iyiyi.
Joan, mom to Cody RIP Matese Schnae Kajon Kia forever in my A House Is Not A Home Without A Dog
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