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Old 09-19-2014, 05:55 PM   #4
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Confused Yeah.. I have none of that

Unfortunately, it was someone I knew from years back that happened to have had a litter just recently, and I took them at their word on it, thinking I could always get that info later. Not knowing how the whole process was actually supposed to go, I just paid them and happily took my baby home. Then I went back a few weeks later for her sister. I saw all the puppies, the mom and dad, and everything seemed good until their business fell apart and he got arrested and his wife fell of the map and then it dawned on me that I may never actually get any of that if it ever even existed. Both parents are full blooded beautiful silver/tan silkies. I guess that's all that mattered to me then. I'll live without papers regardless, it just would have been nice to have them. But that's my luck.
Oh so yeah, there was no contract whatsoever. I wasn't even aware there should be one.

Last edited by Opium88; 09-19-2014 at 05:56 PM. Reason: Forgot to address a question
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