Thread: Bath Time ?
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Old 08-21-2014, 09:40 AM   #1
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Default Bath Time ?

So when I give my pups a bath, I am so paranoid about getting water in their ears for the infections it can cause. My Shih Tzu Zeus got an infection due to water getting in his ear once, and my older dog sasha ( cock-a-poo mix) has a lot of problems with infections, water or otherwise.

Anyhow, So now when I give them baths, I am sure to keep their ears pulled gently down over the opening and dont pour water directly on their ears. I have found it is difficult however to wash their head and face without ( to my eyes anyway) taking too much a risk of water in the ears. Often I use a wash cloth instead of pouring water, but then I fear not getting all the soap out properly.

I also use an ear wash after every bath that evaporates, not only to clean their ears inside, but also it is my hope if any water did get in, the ear solution will evaporate it.

So my question is, am I doing it right? What do all of you do to prevent water in your pups ears, but still clean their head and face well?

Last edited by R-Teddy; 08-21-2014 at 09:41 AM.
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