Thread: I feel so bad
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Old 08-18-2014, 05:26 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Boynton Beach
Posts: 49
Default I feel so bad

I feel like a bad mama.

I have NEVER, EVER had this much trouble with potty training!

Tilly has only been with us a few days. I understand she's still a baby.

But...I feel like i'm failing and i'm tired and grumpy and just want her to "get it" and be able to have her roam the house freely and sleep next to me and my son at night

Every puppy i've potty trained has done so well and has been trained without accidents in like a week.

I've never had a toy breed before, maybe this has something to do with it?

She is doing well in her crate. And last night she gave me 3 hours in one go ()

But I feel bad. I hate leaving her in her crate, letting her out, then having to put her right back in when she doesn't pee/poo on her pad. So I put her in the kitchen (our kitchen is small) & out a gate up so she can't leave. Her pad is in with her but she hasn't used it once. She pees and poos on the floor instead and then walks all in it and gets it everywhere...I feel like at this rate i'll be giving her a bath multiple times a day! I don't want her to be scared of me or hate me. I love her.

I feel like i'm suppressing her puppyness and I just feel bad. I want for her to run around and be happy but by keeping her confined I feel like i'm HURTING her.

She finally has her first vet appt tomorrow (supposed to be today but the vet had an emergency) and maybe i'll be told she csn have walks outside? That might help me feel like she is happier.

I feel like she think i'm ignoring her.

Waaaah this is just a rant
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