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Old 08-15-2014, 01:14 PM   #13
YT 2000 Club
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I read your missive, and now that I have some internet access wanted to take some time to reply.

You may know that I am a firm believer in obedience training for all dogs, but most especially large breed dogs. And I have 2 large Black Russian Terriers, and my YT Razzle.

Your new 4month old gal, is old enough to go into formal obedience training, if you feel confident enough to do that on your own, go for it! If not enroll in some classes near to you.

For me and this is only how I do it, I never leave toys on the floor for un-supervised play, I don't exercise off - lead, a learning puppy and my YT, and the training I do is one on one. I do use crate and rotate, when I can't be physically present to supervise the inter-actions. My senior male BRT is allowed free reign in the house with Razzle and to be off-lead with Razzle. Razzle sleeps in his crate at night, as does our puppy. This is for Razzles' protection, as I don't want large dogs in-advertently stepping on Razzle in the darkest dark of night.

Some examples, we are on vacation, and our puppy BRT who is now 8 months old, got to dock dive and swim, but not with Razzle, she did it with our senior male BRT. And then Razzle some time on his own, and then Magic and Razzle together. So it was crate and rotate at the lakeside.

It is just things can happen in the blink of an eye, just last night, Razzle our YT was up on the couch, he is the only dog allowed up on furniture, and our puppy Dara came wandering by, Razzle leapt at her, fiercely growling (resource guarding me), and Dara pinned him under her paw, then her head went down, I took her beard in my hands and said NO, NEVER. Hubby and I were both up in a flash, Dara got disciplined, and Razzle got disciplined more, he went to his crate for a time-out and was told very sternly NO. Dara got put in a down/stay. This was the first ever inter-action like this. Both dogs got the fact they were in the wrong.

The point is with large n small, there needs to be a certain level of constant awareness.

When your dogs age and slow down, and the pack dynamic is firmly rooted, more freedom, and less vigilance can happen.

I am happy to hear that things seem to have eased up a bit in your home.
Razzle and Dara. Our clan. RIP Karma Dec 24th 2004-July 14 2013 RIP Zoey Jun9 th 2008-May 12 2012. RIP Magic,Mar 26 2006July 1st 2018
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