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Old 08-09-2014, 06:24 AM   #7
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Thank god you found him, they are so fast and so focused on what they are after they don't even hear when you call them. Some years ago my youngest girl squeezed out of my deck and took off into the woods, the more I chased, the more she ran, on the other side of the woods was a highway, I knew if I kept chasing after her she would end up on that highway and would have been killed. I stopped chasing picked up a branch and started calling her to FETCH, thank god she heard and stopped, saw me waving the branch I threw it close to me and she came. I was crying and hugging her, so happy to get her back. I made sure every 4 inch opening on that deck was secured so she could not ever get out again, she was just 9 months old then, she is now past, but that experience is always vivid in my mind. My new adopted boy is new to country living, I have a low fence around my entire yard, he sees birds fluttering in the open field, I have to watch him like a hawk, they are so fast. This week I am going to extend the fencing to 4 feet high, I only needed a 28 inch high fence for my last girl, she was raised as a pup in country living, she was very content to hunt in her yard,this lil guy, everything is new to him, his prev. owners did a very good job of training him so he listens very well, but, if he were to see a deer, rabbit, or other critter I don't think he would obey any command. So I know how is feels to have a baby take off on you. BTH, Barney is a lil cutie dressed or naked. and his hair will grow back fast.
Joan, mom to Cody RIP Matese Schnae Kajon Kia forever in my A House Is Not A Home Without A Dog
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