Thread: Swimming Yorkie
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Old 08-07-2014, 05:36 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by matese View Post
some years back I had 3 yorkies, they all LOVED swimming, they had no life jackets on, but I did keep their harness on them and used a retractable leash. I took them to a lake every week end, if I didn't keep the retractable leash they would have swam to the other side (it was not a LARGE lake) one of them had to carry her Frisbee with her ALL THE TIME, so she would swim holding that frisbee up out of the water, she was just the cutest lil thing. When not at the lake I had a very big kiddie pool for them, the water was 2 feet high, just enough for them to paddle around in, they would have stayed in that pool all day if I allowed them. If she didn't scare herself, don't you scare her, take her on the float with you, keep her harness on her and use a retractable leash, if she wants to jump in, let her, she already knows what she's in for if she jumps. If it looks like she wants to go in you can help her by putting her in rather then her jumping and going under the water, you'll have the retractable leash to help guide her back to the float. Encourage don't discourage her.When started young, yorkies enjoy swimming. Good luck.
I will try not to show her I am a little afraid. Glad to know you babies love swimming.
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