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Old 06-23-2014, 07:44 PM   #5
♥ Maximo and Teddy
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Originally Posted by Scruffles2014 View Post
its both outside and indoors. we tried playing with him while he had the leash on but he just lays there.
Max is almost 6 years old and afraid when the leash is trailing behind him without anyone holding it. I think he fears having his legs get caught up in it. Also, when he was a puppy, he didn't like the harness and leash in the house. Once we were outdoors and he was distracted, he forgot about them.

Be patient and keep encouraging him. It took me a couple days to get Max to leave our driveway. Then we were off and walking. We had more obstacles to overcome like new surfaces: pavement vs sidewalk vs grass.

Keep your feet facing forward. Try taking a step and say "Let's go!" in a happy voice. If he takes a step, say "Good boy!" Probably won't be long before you are dealing with the dreaded leash pulling problem. Hopefully not. Max heeled nicely until we brought his brother home, and then it became a competition.
Kristin, Max and Teddy

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