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Old 06-19-2014, 04:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ladyjane View Post
My advice is to keep the neuro appointment and then take it from there. No sense jumping ahead of things.

We can all help you make decisions after you know for a fact what is going on. If she indeed has hydrocephalus and if surgery is recommended, then you need to think about what is best for her. I realize that you want to keep her and you are attached; but if she needs more than you can give her, you may need to make a decision based upon what is right for her. As for that breeder, if she needs this surgery, I would hope the breeder might be willing to replace her IF you turned her over to rescue or someone who would pay for her surgery. I would not broach that topic with her until you know for certain what is going on.

So sorry you are dealing with this...

Please keep us posted.

I totally agree with all part of LJ's post. We will all support you. Very sad
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